Monday, August 4, 2008

I need to blog..

I have something I've been meaning to blog about.

Over the past month, I have had something huge going on. I have to make one of the biggest decisions of my life within the next 6 months or so. I think I know what I'm going to do, but I would be a filthy liar if I said I wasn't scared or that I had absolute certainty on what to do.

I have the opportunity to go to Paraguay after graduation for up to around a year.They want me to teach in the school there, which just happens to start at Pre-K. The missionaries want me there. They say nobody does AIM work there. All of this started to come together less than 24 hours after I told God I needed an answer at camp on that Thursday night. I didn't exactly expect him to answer me. But he did. Loudly.

I've met the missionaries and traded emails. I'm getting ready to sen in my AIM application and get my passport. This time next year, I could be a real, live preschool or kindergarten teacher at Nuevas Alturas in Asuncion, Paraguay.

Here's the thing. It would mean putting off college for up to a year and a half. That is a tough thing to do. But if I don't go to Paraguay now, then I never will.

So I'm beginning to think its worth it.

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