So, I haven't the slightest when ACTUAL delurking week is (or was). So, here's your chance, for all of you who never comment. Delurk and please, for the love of all that is holy, leave me a commento, por favor.
This is going to be up for the rest of the week (read as: until
I go and get my pretty dress!!), so take advantage of this oppurtunity. And remember, kids-
Oh look....a comment!! :)
I <3 pretty red dresses! and I'm so psyched that Alison gets to come with us! We're going to have a BLAST!!! :) Can't wait... And another plus is that HOP practice should be pretty good tomorrow night too. I'm pretty excited about this song, I def think it'll be a good one! :) And I <3 the soloists too. :) !!!! Very passionate. :)
PS: This weekened....If...IF we do the Coldstone thing I'm going thru the drivethru! lol
Ok, so de-lurky comment. Though I have commented before, just not with any frequency.
I love reading your blog, random bits remind me of myself when I was in HS. Though you have a lot more courage than I ever did.
Go buyyy your red dress gurl!!! And whooo are the soloist on HOP? And which song are you doing? You guys seem really pumped about it?
Helllooooooo!!! It is me!! A major lurker on your blog! Only because it takes it so long to load with my slow internet. *sigh* Anywayyyyy.....I, too, love to you read you as "book and hook" said above. I seldom miss a day! I've been on messengers though and haven't been able to get a reply from YOU! *grin* Talk to you soon hopefully! ((HUGS))
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