Thursday, February 15, 2007

Farewell, Jeeves....

Just in case you guys haven't been to in the past few days, let me share with you the surprise I got when I went on there to get some info for a history project. Jeeves was missing from the site. I went on Jeeves for Kids and clicked on "Where's Jeeves?" and the following message was listed-

"After ten years of dutifully helping kids answer questions for their homework, learn more about their world, or to just be able to help them answer the eternal "Why?" Jeeves has decided that his work here is done. Don't worry. Our site will still be here to help you with all of your homework and searches.
Jeeves is just taking this opportunity to hang up his butler suit and retire, but he is taking a few days rest before he goes. "

Ok, how messed up will our society get? A cartoon character is retiring??!?!?!?!? Not right people. Not right. Plus, think of the catastrophe that will fall on our economy!'s profits will drop greatly. They are nothing without Jeeves! Where will world leaders turn to when faced with that critical question, "Does bologna go well with peanut butter?".

Madness, I tell you. Sheer madness.


Alice said...

It's a sad day in the world. :o( Thanks for sharing this sad news as I hate being left in the dark.

Theresa said...

I actually have tried bologna with peanut butter. Not bad, but I could list about 100 other things that go better with peanut butter. Ross