Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 3: Your Favorite Television Program

Let's do the multiple thing again. Once more, with feeling. They don't make good shows anymore. Actually, that's a lie. They do. But the internet at Gateway is slow and they're difficult to stream. Also, it's against the rules to watch television shows at school and we all know that I would just never, ever do that. Right? Right? Huh?

So, my three favorites (all discontinued, may they rest in peace) are as follows:

1.) Friends

It's just a classic. I don't how you can have lived through the nineties without loving Friends. It's just one of those shows in which there is something that you simply have to laugh at, every time, no matter who you are. And no matter how many times you see it, it doesn't stop being funny. Ever. It just...doesn't. And it's given pop culture (or maybe it's just my weird family) so many new household phrases. Unagi. Holiday Armadillo.

And, of course, the moo point.

2.) Will and Grace

Shamelessly addicted. It's a little sad. Especially when you spend a summer unemployed with positively no life and there are four episodes a day on Lifetime which you can I've heard. Not that I'd know that or anything. Positively hysterical. Always.

Also, I have lots in common with Grace. Like her singing.

3.) The Nanny

I'm pretty much fully convinced that the fact that I was not born Jewish was a terrible, horribly wrong mistake. I may be the most stereotypically Jewish Gentile there is. You know, without the Kosher thing. But, I celebrate Hanukkah. And Passover. And will likely get married under a chuppah in the slightly unlikely event that I ever get married. And if I were to be like the aforementioned unemployed Tivo-ing bum, I probably would have taken advantage of the influx of marathons of a certain nineties show known for excessively nasal speaking parts and frequent Jewish culture references that make me giggle a little too much. But once again, speaking completely in hypotheticals here.

1 comment:

Jewel said...

See, I told you!!! I've not watched any of these shows!! We ARE so different. I don't even know what my favorite TV shows are. Okay, I do like The Next Food Network Star and Design Star AND the Apprentice. AND I'm almost always up for watching an Andy Griffith rerun. :-) Oh, and I like 60 Minutes, which I DVR and watch on Monday morning. Exciting, hm? :-)