Monday, August 11, 2008

Bon Voyage

I may or may not be blogging this week. It all depends.

I'm leaving for Kentucky in the morning with the whole crew. I don't think I'll quite be in Mrs.Lemon's neck of the woods though, unfortunately. Sorry!

On a negative note, despite the fact that I have told my boss that I was going out of town, she scheduled me for Saturday afternoon, anyway. I called and reminded her that I would be out of town. She said that there may not be anyone else. This is because our manager is absolutely incompetant and hasn't worked a Saturday in at least a month. It would be good for her. I think I've mentioned that. Anyway, my boss said she'd see what she could do. Either way, I won't be here. That may mean that I'm out of a job completely. I'm not completely worried about that though. Last week kind of took all of that fear out of me. It was disasterous. The bosses were out of town, so the manager was COMPLETELY in charge. That was not handled well. At all.

I have never ratted this girl out, yet. But after the multiple customer complaints, I may have to do something. At least 3 times this week, I had customers complain that the coffee was cold, right after I arrived for my shift. Rebrewing is supposed to happen an hour before I get there. My best customer complained and said that the coffee was cold and not fresh. I have given this woman the wrong KIND of coffee before and she didn't say anything. When she complains, you know there's a problem. I got there a few afternoons to find that there was no speciality coffee brewed at all. And even if I did just get on the shift, it still makes ME look bad. Which is ridiculous. I don't think the customers appreciate the excuses. Neither do I.

Anyway, enough ranting. I need to go help load up the van.

Bon Voyage!

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