Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday 13 #13

I'm so glad this thing is back. I'm psyched. So anway....

Thirteen Creations Quite Possibly Thought Up Under The Influence
  1. Squeak Toy Sharks- Ok, come on. You know out there those sharks are humiliated at just the thought of these babies. If they could express their feelings they'd probably say "Aww...come on man! We're vicious guardians of the ocean! We don't squeak! We're not meant for the bathtime pleasure of small children!" This is just horrible! Who thought this thing up?
  2. Pocahontas (Disney)- I love Disney. But this movie is insane. The visual effects simply have to suggest that John Smith and Pocahontas were eating those special mushrooms again. They're talking underwater (which would most likely drown you) and Pocahontas picks up a baby bear right in front of it's mother. Here's a scene that had to be deleted right after that. She got mauled senselessly.
  3. The Disney "D"- The easiest way to explain this one. I'm a member of a group on Facebook called "When I found out the D in Disney was a D, it blew my mind". There are 48,087 members. Nuff said.
  4. Body Piercings- Here's the scenario. A few people are under the influence of God-knows-what and have a nail gun. They are messing around and VOILA! We have body piercing.
  5. Meat in a can- Two words. E. U. What were these guys thinking?
  6. Solar Powered Flashlight- I never realized this was a real thing. I always thought it was sort of a dada art style. But no such luck. They really market these things.
  7. Dog Sweaters- Ok, to me this is a form of animal cruelty. It's just sad.
  8. Diaper Alarm- I swear this is real. It alerts you if your baby is wet. Sad. Think about it for a second. This thing is electrically powered. And you are dealing with a wet infant. Use logic much?
  9. Twinkies- I love these things dearly, but please tell me the logic behind them? Was someone just anticipating nuclear war and wondering how we would maintain our food supply and thought " Well, in a time of nuclear war, all anyone will be thinking about is whether or not they have that perfect creme filled snack!"?
  10. Black Hi-Liter Marker- I think this company just lost their credibility with me. Think about it for a second.
  11. Pet Rocks- Now, don't get me wrong. I used to have one of these things and loved it to death. But really, how exactly is it a pet and who decided that a rock should be a pet? Someone very lonely?
  12. Chocolate Teapot- I heard about this and thought that it was a joke. Come on people! Why? Why? WHY!?!?!?!
  13. I can't even describe this one. You have to check it out for yourself.


Vader's Mom said...

What an interesting list!

Courtney said...

Someone really made a black hi-lighter? I always threaten my dog with a sweater, I would never make her wear one, but if I say 'dog sweater' she gets a look on her face of pure embarrassment.


This is a great list. It has made me smile though,.
My T13 is up too.

Di said...

As for friend has sneakers that squeak for her someone crazy!!! They make enough noise without making their shoes squeak!!!

Vicky said...

I'm with you on the dog sweaters - I'm convinced that anyone who dresses their pets in some of the stuff that is available now a days must be under the influence of something.

Great TT! It was Hillarious!

Thomma Lyn said...

What a great list! You had me chortling away. And ha, I could never figure out the allure of pet rocks, either... I mean, why not pet twigs? Pet moss? Pet pine cones? ;)

Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!

jh an Mickey Mantle said...

i'm a cat ...
#7 "dog swetterz" ...
duz dat go fer cat swetterz, too?
laffin an laffin!
fun iz good!

Jill said...

Some people have too much time on their hand, were bored and had a cold, that might explain a lot of those thing!!!

Rhian said...

The body piercing and Meat in a Can created a spew coffee all over monitor moment. Ha! Never heard of a chocolate teapot and can't wrap my brain around that. Have to run off and investigate.... do they have choco coffee pots too? Mmmmmm...

Crystal said...

Wow - you put a lot of thought into that one,lol. Hilarious.

Alasandra said...

I had a pet rock too. Don't remember being particularly attached to it though. My cat, dog, rabitt and horses ranked much higher.

Nancy J. Bond said...

I so agree with #7! Great list. Happy TT!

Gene Bach said...

If you get a video of the nail gun body piercing you have GOT to post it up! LOL!!!

DK said...

Hi Minerva, good to meet you! Love your list; that last item is scary - hopefully they'll never get past the patent filing process! Thank you for visiting my blog, and stop in anytime; I love company! Happy TTing,
A Flyover Blog

The Shrone said...

I'm still shaking my head over the solar powered flashlight! That's too much! Love this list!

Heather Rae Scott said...

This is a great list. I was LOL at some of these and agreeing. I didn't know someone made a black highlighter. Yeesh. That makes total sense--NOT!

I'm with you on the whole Twinkie thing. Scary to know what we ingest willingly.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope you'll come back. I'll definitely stop back here.

Amy Ruttan said...

ROFL, I never heard of a black highlighter, and #13 WTF???

Happy TT, thanks for dropping by mine.

Student said...

I definitely agree with most of those...and I am in the Disney Facebook group. Some of my cousins got inspired by the Parent Trap once and tried to do a home body piercing...

Peg said...

Yeeikes! Number 13 is scary! And you are spot-on with the diaper alarm. DUH. Fun list!!

Lexa Roséan said...

funny especially the body piercing

Anne said...

We actually have a solar powered flashlight... I don't think it works very well ;-) As for the diaper alarm, I think the smell would be enough to tell you what's going on!

Crystal said...


Great list, I enjoyed the laugh. :)

Jewel said...

Becky, you are too funny! Oh, and hey, I do have a solar-powered flashlight. I keep it in my kitchen window!!! *smile*