Thirteen Reasons I Heart NCIS
- 1.Michael Weatherly (AKA Anthony DiNozzo) is gorgeous. I think I've covered this before.
- 2.Did you ever notice that during the autopsy scenes, instead of making them wear clothes during the autopsy or just zooming in on the gory incision, there's always that one light coincidentally
shining on the *ahem* special areas? I don't know why, but Dawn and I had to laugh at that.
- 3.It has plenty of "Huh?" moments. Like in Season 3 (which I'm watching right now) the episode "Under Covers", where Ziva and DiNozzo have to pretend to be those assassins, and the episode opens with Ziva kissing DiNozzo, whom she kind of loves to torment, and the camera leaves you sitting there going "What the muffin?" throughout the credits and then shows you what's really going on.
- 4.Probie reminds me of myself. He's such a nerd. I love him.
- 5.It can be really freakish at times, and I like moderately scary stuff. Like "The Meat Puzzle" in Season 2. That, my friends, is the epitome of freakishness. Especially the ending.
- 6.No David Caruso. Praise our God! *does happy dance*
- 7.It's so suspenseful. Like that one where DiNozzo was framed for murder and then it ended up being Abby's geeky lab assistant? That was a great episode anyway. DiNozzo kinda goes postal in the jail cell. You would too if your dental prints, finger prints, and DNA were found at the scene where a pair of severed legs were pulled out of the woods as well as fibers from your Mustang.
- 8.The producers have obviously done their research on timing. Like in the Season 2 finale, when Kate's on that rooftop and the bullet hits her and it gets lodged in her bulletproof vest so she's ok, then you can breathe because she didn't die and then Ari shoots her in the head as soon as you're convinced she's going to live.
- 9.I needed a new thing to be obsessed with. Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy don't come back on until September.
- 10.Did I mention that there is no David Caruso?
- 11.And that there is a dreamy agent?
- 12.The killer is always someone you would never expect. See number 7.
- 13.Forensics is just a cool subject in general. Unless David Caruso is involved
- *BONUS* While I was stressing how gorgeous DiNozzo is and how much I hate Caruso, I was informed that I forgot one of the best characters on there. Abby. How can you not love Abby? With her Caff-Pow and pigtails. It's like impossible not to love her. I can't believe I didn't put her on here originally
I don't watch NCIS, but I do have shows that I am totally addicted to as well!
Air Force Wife
I don't watch NCIS either, but I am totally addicted to Lost. If you haven't seen it, you might want to rent seasons 1-3. It's a long time til September. Great TT.
Yay for the lack of David Carusso. The man can't act. Bleach. I heart NCIS too. :) Happy TT.
of all the things I DVR that isn't one of them...
I did my TT of what is on muy DVR..
NCIS is a good series. When it's on cable and I'm off from work, I try to watch it. Pretty interesting and suspenseful stuff indeed.
Happy Thursday dear!
There's one reason that you missed out:
David Caruso bugs me too
Hmmm, I'm going to have to check this one out...no David Caruso is a serious incentive for feeding my crime fetish :-)
We watch NCIS regularly too. Thanks for stopping by!
Lost in the abbreviation.
Welcome to TT!
Be well and enjoy the day.
Thanks for visiting my TT.
I love NCIS too. I have a thing for Gibbs, but Tony is cute too.
Great list, although I don't watch it. It comes on when something else that we watch does... but I can't remember what now. Old age, ya know!
I don't watch it either, but I'm glad you love it so much and get to watch it!
Happy TT...
I don't watch this show. But cool TT!
Amen to 13!!
I almost had to kick ya in da tush for forgetting Abby -- but you saved yourself at the end! :P
Happy TT -- and nice to meet you :)
Definitely Gibbs over DiNozzo. Sorry, I've been a Mark Harmon fan for years now. Love Abby though.
I don't watch NCIS but Mr. "People Under the Stairs" has hijacked my TiVo to record it. I tell him he has a week to watch it before I delete it for space. I need room for SpongeBob!
Thanks for visiting my T13 13 Photos of Horses and Hayrides Day at Church
I would SO go to the other side for Abby, I love her!
Happy TT and I love me some NCIS too :)
I can't claim obsession with any TV show, Lovely Wife sure loves her some NCIS. I like the interplay between all the characters, and how Mark Harmon's character has them all just a bit scared of him.
Abby's the best though. Her and her super-ultra-mega Gulp Cokes.
NCIS rocks! Tony is yummy but Gibbs is more my age...er style...I love all the CSIs (But Miami is REALLY getting old!)And David C? Um yeah. Droppy dog face and paperbag personality. UGH
Must admit I've never seen this show! Sounds interesting, though. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
But Caruso has spent years practicing looking sideways at the camera and his other favourite putting his sun glasses on. That kind of acting takes real talent. Ok it doesn't and NYPD Blue was a lot better after he left. I have to confess to liking CSI in all but its NY outing but thats despite Caruso not because of him. If you want a laugh though you want to see his Irish gangster in Hill Street Blues where he wears a silly hat all the time - after that he will never ever pull of looking cool.
I do really enjoy NCIS too mostly because it has a different sense of humour to the CSI franchise. Any show with Mark Harmon and David McCallum is going to have to really work hard at being a turkey to be bad.
Guess I'm going to have to check out NCIS when I get back to the States this summer.
Happy TT!
hmmm ... looks like i have to sit and watch this show. :)
thanks for dropping by!
WE is addicted to Prison Break! Do you knows when it comes back on?
I was as nuts about Buffy as you are about NCIS. Nice to have a show to watch that you love.
thanks so much for stopping by my t13 :)
I feel so old.... I have no clue what you are talking about.
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