My week was fairly uneventful, until the weekend. I went and stayed with Dawn and her tribe. This is always great fun. Except for that I got the flu from my siblings and it hit on Saturday. Oh joy.
I was feeling a little better in the afternoon, so I went to Mansfield with Dawn, Elisha, Tonya, Sis.Kramer, Dorenda, and Danessa. It was great fun. We went to Burlington Coat Factory and Old Navy, and then had lunch at Chippy's. (AKA Chipotle) I was not feeling well enough to eat a burrito, so I wrapped up mine. We got home at about 10:30 that night. Dawn and I stayed up and watched NCIS (which I am addicted to now. DiNozzo=Dreamy) and made smoothies. Did I mention that I love NCIS? And that DiNozzo is dreamy? Just thought I'd get that point across.
Also, for The Lizness, here are my new shoes that I got at Burlington.

And Gabri modeling them....

And that AppleBottom bag that I've been bragging about but had yet to post an image of.

Sunday was an interesting day. I gave Dawn my flu. She was so ungrateful. I was hurt.
When I got home on Sunday afternoon, Dawn was crashed on the couch. I sat in the recliner in the living room (at 12:30) and didn't wake up until 4:30. I got my hair done and then went to church. We had an awesome worship servic

We went flocking after church and then I went with Mistie and John to Arby's where my best friend Erica was, along with her parents, her boyfriend, his parents, his brother, and his best friend. Matt left for Germany today on a 2 year deployment. At the moment, according to Erica, he's in Baltimore at the second (right?) and then he'll be there at about 6 AM our time. Anyway, it was a great time. We hung out there until about 10 PM. John was having way to much time with his laser. He hit the big diamond stud on my AppleBottom bag and it looked like a disco ball. It was too cool. (P.S. Erica, sorry bout the picture. I needed an illustration and it's a good picture.)
So when I got home from Arby's, Dawn was desperately looking for something that hit the spot after, for lack of a better word, puking her guts out all day. So she pulled out the Sno-Cone maker out and she, Sis. Kramer, and I enjoyed Sno-Cones. And NCIS. Did I mention DiNozzo is dreamy? Just checking.
You got it, dear one. Not to worry about the picture...do you really think that's gonna bother me? ;-) He's now in Germany...shoulda been there about 5 hours ago....wow, it's 1900 hours there...owe! What a change...Anyway, be back soon to browse your site. Much love.
Army Gal
Army Gal, You must needs get a blog.
Well, Muffin, who knows. None the less, check your voice mail. :-D
Army Gal
Does this mean I have to get up off my chair? Ugggh....
Hmm...would that be too hard for The Muffin? :-p
-Army Gal
Hey, I said The Muffin is Omniscient, not Omnipotent.
aha! I now know the identity of anonymous ... mwhahahahahaha
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