Sarah at Marvellous Mouse was so gracious as to tag me with a Thinking Blogger Award. I think? YAY! See, see? I told you all that there was in fact some brain activity! Anyway the rules are as follows.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. Yes, five.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. This is optional, but hey, why not toot your own horn??
So, I nominate (in no particular order):
1. Kim C. at Life in a Shoe. She more than likely does not read my blog, but she is one of the most insightful bloggers that I have ever read.
2. The Lizness at The Lizness....Live!. I less than three her. And she's just brilliant. Nuff said.
3. Bro. Holley at Holley Life and Times. I started reading his blog after he found my blog somehow, most likely through my dad's or Sis. Jewel's. I'm really not sure. Anyway, his blog, which he shares with his wife is awesome. Not super deep usually (which is good because things tend to go over my head) but often insightful.
4. The Thinker at Theory of Thought. A little older than me, but, well, just read her blog. Let's just say that my page views will go way down. Her blog rocks my socks.
5. Angeline at Raining Noodles. (Warning: I accept no responsibility for the occasionally frequent language on her blog.) Her blog is very interesting and overactive. I realllllllly have to think on this blog.
Thank you, Rebecca!
Becky! Thank you for thinking I think. :) I think.
Right about now my head is so far in the clouds, nobody's blog makes me think anything except wedding! cake! and! wedding! dress! :) :) :)
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