Monday, October 30, 2006


As most of you know I am a very emotional and sensitive person. I hate rejection and hate being hated. I am a big people person. Well, today I logged on to my Xanga account and got a comment from someone from my old church that was, well, it wasn't exactly mean, but it was pretty unnecessary and kind of bothered me. I don't know why, but it seems like I'm not as close to some of my friends from Mount Vernon as I used to be. I had the same best friend from pre-school until June when we left. I haven't talked to her since mid-September. I have been trying to stay friends with those people, but to be honest, I wasn't all that close to some of them to begin with. Even the people I used to be friends with have been losing contact. I heard "I'll call you." or "I will e-mail you" and various related things so many times that it would make your head spin that last Sunday. I don't know that I have ever gotten a call from someone from the youth group. Rejection hurts.


Liz said...

It probably doesn't help that you still go to school with some of them, but don't take it so personally. It's a rough transition. I know. It's so weird to go back to MtV and some people have not changed one whit, and I know I have changed quite a bit (sorry for the poor rhyming) and yet they still want to pick up where we left off ... 9 years ago. Even though there is no phone or email contact from one visit to the next 6 months later, and very few have made any kind of effort to try the other side of the highway to see if it goes to Florence too.

Okay. Rant over. Just know that soon you'll look back and laugh that it ever bothered you. It's a valid feeling, but it won't last forever.

love you girl.

Jewel said...

Liz said it all very well, Becky. I would just like to offer one other thought. Most people mean to keep in touch and so on, but it usually doesn't happen, for whatever reason. They still think about you and care for you and consider you a friend, too, and are genuinely happy to see you when they do. Try not to take it quite so personally,k?? How could anyone not like YOU!!! *smile* ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

agghhh for some reason it will not let me post.....
but i will try once more...
I also agree with the above ladies....
Unfortunately, sometimes out of site out of's not personal....but maybe if you still want to keep in could call them?? Instead of waiting on could make the first move....

Me said...

Ah Becky...I know that it doesn't help with what you're going through right now - we all want to be surrounded by friends who will be there for us... but you know, you will find throughout life that if you have&hold just one true friend who is there for you no matter what - near or far, thick or thin, good or bad, beginning to end, then you have gained more than what a group could have ever given. The friends of your childhood will not always end up the same friends you have as an will make so many more along the way, you'll see! Just count it a blessing whoever you cross paths with and know that in some way, you've both made a difference in each other's lives with something to look back upon - friends never really truly forget you(they may not make the call or send the email, but they'll still think of you). Letting go is a painful process, on both ends, that leaves a void - and that's not always a bad creates room for new friends! Try not to hurt so much over those you might lose, but instead be happy for those you've yet to gain. Somewhere out there, God's got a GREAT FRIEND just waiting for you -could be someone you already know or someone you've yet to meet...He'll put them in your path. Sometimes, we just have to step outside the circle and see. :o) ~Cherie